Thursday, October 22, 2009

The REPUBLICANS Do What They're Told You Say?

Last night President Obama hosted a $30,400 per couple fundraiser in New York City. As part of his plea to get the Democratic ducks in a row he stated “Democrats y’all thinkin’ for yourselves. I like that in ya. But it’s time for us to make sure that we finish the job here; we are this close but we gotta be unified.”
Well at first blush there doesn’t seem to be anything too odd about this. There certainly isn’t anything out of the ordinary about a politician buttering up the base in an effort to gin up support for a significant reform effort, right? Well there is when you take into account what he is saying, who he is saying it to, and how he is saying it.

Why would you mix southern parlance into an address given to a bunch of wealthy New York City elites? Did I miss something? Is this how Democrats in the Big Apple talk now?

As is true of much of what comes out of this President’s mouth, this is rich on many levels. Not only is Obama claiming that at least with regards to health care reform Democrats are thinking for themselves and Republicans aren’t; a claim that is patently ridiculous. He clearly feels the need to pander to the very group that he claims to believe is so eminently capable of independent thought. And what’s more he decides to petition this group of northern big city dwellers with southern speak. Isn’t this part of what these people hated about George Bush, and why they feel Obama is such an epic improvement? Or is it only a problem when the southern speak is authentic?

To my shock and amazement though, I actually agree with the Campaigner in Chief on a couple of things here: liberals are an opinionated bunch; and their lack of analytical ability does make them quite susceptible to pandering.

If the President feels this way about these people, imagine what he thinks of the rank and file?

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