Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm Proud, What About You?

I’ve never been much of a gawker. So maybe that's why my first impulse was to avoid writing a piece about the car wreck that was yesterday’s Nobel Peace Prize announcement. That was before, however, I came across Rachel Maddow’s take on the situation (I know, I know, I shouldn’t have even gone there). On her show yesterday, Ms. Maddow asserted the following: "The American President just won the Nobel Peace Prize. By any reasonable measure all Americans should be proud."

Proud of WHAT?

Proud that we have a President who has seen unemployment rise from 7.2% to 9.8% (though he claimed it would not rise above 8%) DESPITE a $787 billion "stimulus package"?

Proud that we have a President that is on track to do this (or worse)?

Proud that we have a President who supports, both in word and deed, an aspiring dictator like Manuel Zelaya?

Proud that we have a President whose administration includes more anti-capitalist left-wing radicals, serving in prominent positions, than you would find on the faculty at Harvard; or czars than you would find in a Russian history textbook?

Proud that we have a President utterly naive and narcissistic enough to believe that he can talk Iran out of its ambition to develop nuclear weapons -- a nation whose "dubiously elected president" has on more than one occasion questioned whether the Holocaust actually happened?

Proud that we have a President who is as disposed to speak to the General in charge of the war in Afghanistan as he is to speak without a teleprompter (Mr. President, if you ACTUALLY care at all about our troops in Afghanistan, you are doing a piss poor job of showing it)?

Proud that we have a President whose leading diplomat is her?

Proud that we have a President who has taken a LARGE step towards the complete nationalization of our auto industry?

Proud that we have a President with these - - ties to ACORN (Sure, The One claims that he never worked for ACORN. But let's put it this way, Barack Obama knows a lot more about ACORN than he does about General McCrystal)?

Proud that we have a President who proved to be as capable of going toe to toe with the Russians, in negotiations over the anti-ballistic missile shield, as Bill Clinton is of playing a round of golf without taking a mulligan?

Proud that we have a President whose administration whines enough that Chris Wallace (who "by any reasonable measure" is not a Republican attack dog) felt the need to call them "the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington"?

Proud of a President whose Secretary of Staff is him?

Proud of a President who would be more than happy to pass a cap-and-trade bill that would have seriously harmful effects on an economy that is in pretty bad shape as it is (in HIS words, “under a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”)?

Proud that we have a President who has been in a seemingly endless all out push to remake our health care system despite opposition by a considerable majority of Americans who at the very least are in favor of a much less drastic approach?

Proud that we have a President whose Department of Homeland Security thinks little enough of our soldiers that they would issue a report stating that “troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at risk for being recruited by right-wing extremists” (I wonder, have they since released a report that says that residents of the inner city are at risk for being recruited by criminal organizations like ACORN?)?

Proud that we have a President who puts more sincere effort into apologizing for the greatest nation in the history of the world than he does into applauding it?

No ma’am, I’m not PROUD of that at all.

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